Monday, October 12, 2009

Qype: Gare de Lyon in Paris

Paris - Transportation - Public Transport - Stations - Underground Stations

It's a nice station, but it's certainly no Gare du Nord (which i strangely love for some reason!).

Gare de Lyon is one of the "big 6" stations in Parisand is named after Lyon in the south of France (due to the number of trains going to and from this station to Lyon). You can travel from this station to Provence in less than 3 hours which is pretty darn amazing - i did it at the weekend. The interior of the station is nice but it won't take your breath away. I guess Gare de Lyon is most famous for 2 things:

1) Big train crash in 1988 (killed about 50 people)

2) The station feature's heavily in "Mr. Bean's Holiday". So if it's good enough for the beanman, it's good enough for me!

Check out my review of Gare de Lyon - I am ahunter - on Qype

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