Friday, May 8, 2009

London - Nightlife - Clubs

Oooh... goodness. The Clapham Grand takes cheese to the next level. The is just your standard supermarket cheddar. This is an applewood, smoked mature a cheddar. A mouldy stilton which has been sitting in grandmas cupboard for the last 3 years. CHEEEEEEEEEESE!

They play all your favourites in here - Abba, Rick Astley, David Hasselhoff, Chesney Hawkes. You name it, they've got it.

£10 to get in, so if you're in "The Junction" you might want to jump on the 345, 35 or 37 buses up to the High street. Much better action up by Clapham Common.
Check out my review of Clapham Grand - I am ahunter - on Qype

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