Friday, May 8, 2009

London - Nightlife - Clubs

I am completely amazed i have never reviewed The Artesian Wells in Clapham. We used to come here all the time as it was the only place near the high street open after midnight that wasn't Inferno's!

2 big floors in Artesian wells. Downstairs is a lot more chilled out with decent amounts of seating and hip hop music. Upstairs is a fully fledged meat market. High energy house spliced with a bit of cheese and lots of 20 somethings trying to get off with eachother.

Unfortunately i'm almost certain Artesian Wells has lost a huge amount of business to Lost Society which has opened next door. Lost Society IS a better club, so now "the wells" gets all of the fallout from here.

I'll go back, but only if i can't get in next door.
Check out my review of The Artesian Well - I am ahunter - on Qype

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