Monday, May 18, 2009

London - Eating & Drinking - Pubs & Bars - Bars

Aquum - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good

Really quite nice food. We ate delicious steaks with chips and fresh asparagus. Perfectly cooked and a delicious peppercorn sauce. The roast dinners looked fantastic (but we were too late! They stop serving these gems at 5pm. D'oh!)

The Bad

Aquum certainly attracts the wannabe snobs and nobs of south London. This is probably still considered to be an "exclusive" place to come in Clapham. Keep your eyes peeled for Trust Fund Henry's and Wide Boy Gary's talking about "the new Lambo".

The Ugly

Certainly not the waitresses. The majority of the staff in here are schmokin'! Beautiful, friendly.... the manager deserves a medal for his hiring policy :) I personally find the interior pretty kitsch and ugly though. Imagine a geezer eastender wins the lottery and buys a place in Ibiza - this is exactly how he would furnish his new pad. Tacky chandeliers and white leather sofas dominate Aquum. Yuck.

I'll come back. If only for the lovely waitresses, the roast dinners and the promise of a roof terrace opening very soon.
Check out my review of Aquum - I am ahunter - on Qype

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