Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Qype: Fun & Games in London

London - Arts & Entertainment - Amusement Parks

Fun and Games has been on the high street for a number of years now. I've walked past it 100's of times and the other night i decided to have a closer look. Now, i don't gamble and i hate fruit machines but i must admit i was lured in by the "Who wants to be a Millionaire" quiz game. Fun and Games is a pretty dingy place. The sort of establishment where the walls have been stained from years of smoke and the carpet smells like wet dog. Anyway, i had a quick whizz on WWTBAM and ended up winning £5! I'll never go back in here, but it felt quite satisfying setting foot in here after so many years and winning some money!
Check out my review of Fun & Games - I am ahunter - on Qype

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