Saturday, November 29, 2008

Qype: Bob Bob Ricard in London

London - Restaurants - British - Pubs & Bars - Bars

Oh sweet Jesus i think i've found Mecca. I have never (repeat never) been so well looked after in a London restaurant. Who ever hired the waitresses (particular the nice Canadian one) at Bob Bob Ricard deserves some sort of medal. These girls were all over the service, big time, without being OTT, fake or annoying. Now, i'm no Jedi Master, but I have seen seen Star Wars quite a few times, and i'm almost certain the staff here have received some kind of Yoda esq. mind training. All i had to do was think about eggs benedict, and they would appear. A slight slurp to indicate that i had reached the bottom of my tea cup, and what do you know, a fresh pot arrives moments later. Whether or not these girls were trained in the Dagaboh system i don't know, but their attentiveness and down home, "you boys want some lemonade" charm is what made the morning for me.

I could go on to tell you about the cute toasters on every table, the spectacular coffee or the little button which magics champagne to your table - but i think Urbanite and Hinchcliffe have done that pretty well below.

Some may moan about the cost of Bob Bob Ricard (£20 per person for breakfast), but to be honest, i'd pay double what i paid for service like that in London. Let's hope the same high standards remain as this place inevitably becomes more and more popular.
Check out my review of Bob Bob Ricard - I am ahunter - on Qype

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