Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Qype: Chiquito in London

London - Restaurants - Mexican

We have a winner! This is the worst Mexican restaurant i have been to in London! Seriously, this place is awful. It reminds me alot of how Mexican food used to be in London 10 years ago - badly thought out, crappy service, zero authenticity... and i haven't even started on the food! The mexican rice definitely came out of an Uncle Ben's packet, the tacos were no doubt a product of Old El Paso and the chilli beef had a certain dog food aroma and consistency. Service was slow and flat and, worst of all, they got the setting wrong on the diet coke mixer because my DC had the consistency of cough syrup.

Why, Oh why did i go in here! Never again.....
Check out my review of Chiquito - I am ahunter - on Qype

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