Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Qype: Marie's Cafe in London

London - Restaurants - Thai - Restaurants - British - Cafes & Coffee Shops

I agree with CaribQueen below. The Thai food is very cheap indeed (£5 for most things on the menu), the folks in here are really friendly AND they are open around pub chucking out time. BUT, portion sizes are too small (probably only about 3 bits of small chicken in my meal), taste wise the food was ok (but not great) and it was just a bit too spicy for my liking. Don't get me wrong, i love spicy food, i just like to be told on the menu if something is going to put hairs on my chest.

I got home last night and had to make myself a cheese sandwich. So, if the question here is Quality or Hype? I would definitely have to say hype.

Check out my review of Marie's Cafe - I am ahunter - on Qype

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