Monday, July 21, 2008

Qype: London Zoo in London

London - Arts & Entertainment - Zoos

I have lived in London for quite some time now, but Saturday was my first visit to London Zoo. The Zoo is located on the northern edge of Regent's Park and is pretty easy to get to on public transport (Mornington Crescent and Camden Town are probably the closest tube stations).

The zoo is very well maintained and the staff are extremely knowledgable. I'd recommend visiting 3 areas - Gorilla Kingdom, Bird of Prey show and the feeding of the penguins! All lots of fun.

The London Zoo doesn't touch some of the big Zoo's in the US like San Diego, but it's still a fun day out. £17 for Adults and special discounts for kids and families.

Check out my review of London Zoo - I am ahunter - on Qype

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