Thursday, April 29, 2010

Qype: Swingrite Golf Driving Ranges in Haydon

Haydon - Sport - Golf - Driving Ranges

Good old Swingrite! I have very fond memories of coming down here and hitting a bucket full of balls over half terms. Well, last weekend i came back (about 15 years later!)

What's new:

- Pitch and Putt (a 9 hole, short pitch and putt)
- Putting Green
- Extended car park

What's stayed the same:

Pretty much everything else! Still the same old chap behind the counter who limits the number of clubs you can rent at any one time. Still the beat up old Ford Cortina that everyone tries to hit on the driving range AND still the same prices after 15 years. Magic.

Check out my review of Swingrite Golf Driving Ranges - I am ahunter - on Qype

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