Monday, September 14, 2009

Qype: The Queens Head in Weybridge

Weybridge - Eating & Drinking - Pubs & Bars - Pubs

Pleasant, plenty of outdoor seating and one of the biggest cheeseburgers west of London. The staff were super friendly and the location (although not ads idyllic as the Old Crown up the road) is still very nice indeed. This is also a great pub for live sport - I caught 20 minutes of the cricket yesterday on one of the enormous plasma TV's in the area with comfy leather seats.

A few vital stats on that cheeseburger - 1 lb. of scottish beef topped with bacon, a slab of brie cheese and rocket. All this accompanied by a mound of chips that could easily have fed a family of 5. I managed about half of the meal (but it was delicious!)

Oh, i'm told l'auberge next door is excellent. Next time!

Check out my review of The Queens Head - I am ahunter - on Qype

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