Friday, August 29, 2008

Qype: Ed's Easy Diner in London

London - Restaurants - Fast Food & American - Restaurants - Take Away

I've been to my fair share of authentic diners in California and although Ed's doesn't really match up on "all american service", the burgers are great and the atmosphere spot on. I was very tempted to try the "oreo cookie milkshake", but i managed to hold back. Man, i should have tried that milkshake! The burgers are very tasty (and pretty cheap too) and it was great see heinz ketchup and French's American mustard perched on the counter ready to be squirted over my chips and burger. All in all a very good lunch.

My only feedback to Ed's would be -

1. Don't charge me 50p extra for free refills. Come on, it's 50p! This would never happen in the US.

2. As mentioned above, the only thing i felt let down by was the service. Ok, ok, i'm not going to get a 65 year old, mid western lady with a cigarette hanging from her lips shouting back into the kitchen for "2 hogsnots with the works and a couple a' boilermakers", but i was at least expecting a bit of American cheers and customer service. Don't get me wrong, the service wasn't bad, it just didn't feel right.

All in all, tasty burgers, great music, killer location and definitely worth stopping by if you are craving a burger in Soho.

Check out my review of Ed's Easy Diner - I am ahunter - on Qype

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