Thursday, June 26, 2008

Qype: Cyber Candy in London

London - Food & Drink - Sweets & Chocolates

This place is AWESOME. I just spent £50 in here. That's right £50. I don't feel guilty at all :)

I had so much fun picking out the sweets (and i got some pretty funny looks too with my armful of Haribo, Pop rocks, Reeses Pieces and Jolly Ranchers). "Do you work here?" one girl asked. "No". I answered. But i kinda wish i did...... I could fill bath tubs full of skittles and re-enact Indian Jones moments with a red rope liquorice whip and a marshmallow chapeau.

OK, i'm getting carried away now.

Cybercandy is fantastic. Mecca for those with a sweet tooth or American's looking for a slice of home. Highly recommended, teeth-rotting fun.

Check out my review of Cyber Candy - I am ahunter - on Qype

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